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Hear some of the students who attended our pilot taster courses have to say about us!

Our Testimonials: Text

"I think the speakers were extremely engaging, friendly and encouraging! Thank you for all the effort put into this course and trying to make it as interactive as possible via an online platform!! :D

The questions were great and manageable, the seniors are really approachable and the various platforms for question asking was amazing."

Business Taster Course Pilot

Our Testimonials: Testimonials
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Our Testimonials: Image


Law Taster Course Pilot

"I feel that the current measures of timely QnAs, as well as encouraging students to turn on their cameras, is sufficient. Kudos for the well-planned course!"

Econs Taster Course Pilot

"Thank you for organising! It provided me with a clear idea on what is needed for the econs course (even though my conclusion was that my ineptitude at math would make me unsuitable for it)"

Our Testimonials: Testimonials
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